Thank you for visiting the KMW site.
You can e-mail me by left clicking this e-mail address Terry@KMWLRS.com to use your own email service
you can complete the form below and click the Send button.
Business phone: (318) 528-8834
KMW is not a Retail / Walk-In business.
KMW is a one person shop that is blessed to stay very busy and it is an absolute necessity to be as efficient as possible. Accordingly I can accept visitors but On Site visits are by appointment only.
The physical shop address as well as mailing address is:
KMW Long Range Solutions LLC
1405 Frank Andrews Blvd. - Suite B
Alexandria, LA 71303
The KMW shop is 1 minute from AEX airport which handles International Commercial flights as well as private/civil plane traffic.
If you are parachuting in, call in advance so I can highlight the power lines.
NOTE: The Google map icon below is about 600 feet WSW of the actual KMW building.