Mission Adaptable Combat Stock Surplus Parts Kits.

These are component sets of a discontinued stock series from 2010.
THEY ARE NOT complete and assembled stocks.
The Mission Adaptable Combat Stock came into being as a response to a military branch issuing an RFP for a folding stock with chassis in lieu of bedding. About 9 months after issuing the RFP, they changed the target specifications which effectively blocked this design from competing.
KMW went forward with the design and ended up building 42 complete rifles with the new M.A.C.S. as a beta test. The beta stocks did perform and continue to perform very well but additional production stocks would be too heavy and have an excessively expensive sale price for my liking. Due to this, the decision was made to kill the project even though components were still coming in from McMillan.
I now need to make room in the KMW shop for new projects so had to make a choice between throwing all of these components in the dumpster or selling them as is. I am too swamped with existing work and new projects to finish building these for sale. I also will not be able to handle a lot of calls or emails to give instructions or tips on how to assemble these. The extremely low sale price for these parts kits reflect that I will not be able to provide support to assist after your purchase. Anyone purchasing one or more of these parts kits should understand that this will be a true D.I.Y. project with a good bit of work involved to complete a stock.
A few archive pictures of the complete stock and BETA rifle are shown here to use as reference for how the completed stocks would look if built to original spec.
The 3 main stock pieces were molded by McMillan Fiberglass Stocks using a KMW mold. Inlets on stock body and butt were machined by McMillan using KMW fixtures.
There are 4 varieties of molded in colors.
Most have HV barrel channels.
Some are inletted for the KMW MUNSter NV mount.
Descriptions in the KMW web store will specifically describe each.
All parts kits will include:
>KMW Integrated Mounting Block for Short Action, RH, Rem 700 style actions.
The stocks were inletted for the Gen 1 version. The Gen II version will ship with the kit.
>KMW SENTINEL DBM bottom metal without magazine.
>Original Folding Hardware *DOES NOT have the internal compression spring per below.
>3 of the original 1913 Picatinny rail sections and one Dog Bone to mount below the barrel
channel to anchor the rails to.
These parts kits DO NOT INCLUDE:
>Adjustable Cheek Rest Hardware.
You can use/make your own or order the KMW LoggerHead hardware separately to
install yourself.
>Recoil pad or Adjustable L.O.P. parts.
You can make/use your own or order the KMW Adjustable L.O.P. hardware set
separately to install yourself.
>Compression spring for hinge pin of folding hardware.
>Some of these parts kits are inletted for the KMW MUNSter NV mount. The ones that
have this inlet will note it in the item description on the webstore page. The NV mount is
not included in the basic parts kit. You may choose to fill in the NV inlet or order the KMW
MUNSter NV mount separately to install yourself.